The closest thing to DDL’s one will get. If you are unsure where to start, please read below. Futher help can be obtained by visitng the relevant IRC and/or Discord servers.
How do I use this?
Setting up a client: Connecting to Xertion
A list of commands can be found here: XDCC Commands
Packlist can be found here: XDCC Packlist
Want your bot listed here?
For those who would like their bots added here, send me a publicly hosted link to the XML file that iroffer can make and I’ll add it. Nice-to-have would also be an image for the profile picture, otherwise I will just pick from “The Best Female Anime Characters“. I plan to add the source code to github soonTM.

Moodkiller and Co. XDCC Packlist
For all your [MK] and associated groups needs.

XML file missing, check with the bot owner if this is still available
Beatrice-Raws XDCC Packlist
Dedicated bot for all [Beatrice-Raws] releases.
Cache file is up-to-date.

XML file missing, check with the bot owner if this is still available
XDCC go brrrrrrrr.

I was downloading tokyo ghoul remuxes from anti raws, downloaded a couple episodes and wanted to resume today but suddenly all of them are gone from the packlist, also the bot I was downloading from (Rory) is gone from the “bots” tab too. Did those remuxes got deleted and I’m just unlucky? Or is there any other reason for their disappearance?
It is because the Rory bot is disconnected for some reason, but only disconnected to the website. It can still be accessed through IRC, when you can search for a pack by specific request, then the normal process of asking it to be sent to you. It is still functioning, normally some would say, just the process of looking for a pack less convenient without global viewing with the website.
I was downloading [Animanda] release of Death Note through HitomiServ bot but after 1 episode the bot is giving me the episode 2 to download even when I try to download episode 3 or 4 please fix this or tell me what can I do.
That can happen sometimes when the file number on the server changes. Often the filelist you’ll get from the bot will be outdated by to several minutes, hence even fetching it for the new numbers might not be helpful. Best to wait a hour or so.